
cool ideas to keep it fresh and warm


Er is geen compromis op Veiligheid en Kwaliteit. Dit is vanaf het begin ons leidend beginsel geweest. Al onze producten worden gecreëerd en ontwikkeld door nauwgezet de relevante technische normen te volgen, en dankzij ons partnerschap met toonaangevende productcertificatie-instituten streven wij de filosofie van “voortdurende verbetering” met overtuiging na.







De testruimte van FOGAL REFRIGERATION voldoet aan de regels van ISO/IEC 17025 en wordt erkend als TMP testruimte. De testruimte wordt jaarlijks geïnspecteerd door een certificerende instantie, om te garanderen dat deze voldoet aan de meest actuele regels. Ons Laboratorium, dat altijd actief is en voortdurend wordt bijgewerkt, volgt de ontwikkelingen in de regelgeving en op de markt op de voet. In ons laboratorium voeren wij met passie en methode veiligheids- en prestatietests uit op onze standaardproducten en op de speciale producten die wij voor onze klanten vervaardigen.

(UNI EN ISO 9001 – UNI EN ISO 14001 – UNI ISO 45001)

Het certificaat van systeemmanagement is het bewijs dat het bedrijf in staat is de organisatie optimaal en efficiënt te leiden en is tevens een betrouwbaarheidsgarantie voor klanten, leveranciers, werknemers en zakelijke partners.

Het kwaliteitssysteem van een organisatie bestaat uit de structurele organisatie, de verantwoordelijkheden, de procedures, processen en bedrijfsmiddelen (personeel en materieel) die in werking gesteld worden om kwaliteit te behalen en te behouden.



Since 1980 Fogal Refrigeration s.r.l. has been characterised by its ongoing commitment to improve the quality of the products offered, as much as the quality of the workplace and the environmental impact.

The core strategy of  Fogal Management is based on customer satisfaction, and it is pursued through a full quality system as a way to organize all the available resources, both human and technological. The Management is also aware of the company’s responsibilities towards the protection of health, environment and workers’ safety. A satisfied customer is the result of a business that has been able to provide to the client a product that complies with requirements and established restrictions (decided by the client, the regulations and the organisation). This is why our Company, through the assessment of the contexts in which it operates and the identification of the needs of the main stakeholders, has implemented (and remains active within) an INTEGRATED management system for quality, environment and security, that complies with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 and UNI ISO 45001:2018 standards.

In this connection, FOGAL REFRIGERATION s.r.l. is constantly looking for customer satisfaction, and identifies the elements that can lead to achieving the strategic goal. In the light of the above, the aim of the management is also constantly improving the company’s environmental, occupational health and safety performances.

To achieve this goal, the Management undertakes to:

  • Focus the efforts of the entire organisation on monitoring, controlling and improving the processes;
  • Optimize the use of available resources after the explicit institutionalisation and training of rules to be taken as a reference standard for the organisational, operational and procedural level within an effective integrated system, that has to be regarded as an operational tool of strategic importance, through specific educational training activities;
  • Ensure the full cooperation from the entire staff for the implementation of the integrated management system;
  • Constantly involve the employees and the external staff members in a proactive participation context aimed to a continuous overall improvement as the quality level of the service provided to the customer depends on the quality expressed by all those who work within the organisation;
  • Promote safety culture, environmental protection  and workers’ awareness of the importance to respect the relevant regulations through example, systematic control and worker’s participation with the help of their representative for security (RLS);
  • Give to each member of the organisation precise and defined tasks, responsibilities and powers in order to point them towards an adequate standard of competence and training;
  • Provide all the requested resources for the maintenance of the implemented management system
  • Comply with the European, Italian and local laws and regulations relating to environmental and occupational safety and health;
  • Comply with the technical requirements related to our industry sectorImplement the necessary measures to prevent occupational accidents and work-related illnesses and to reduce the environmental pollution resulting from work activities;
  • Set targets for environmental and safety quality managing, which will be expressed in a regularly reviewed improvement plan and provide the resources needed in order to achieve them;
  • Maintain and improve the environmental and occupational safety conditions, in accordance with the progress of technological knowledge;
  • Constantly improve environmental and occupational health and safety performances through pollution prevention, elimination and, if not possible, hazards reduction;
  • Spread the policy of environmental and occupational health and safety quality, and inform stakeholders about the relevant certifications.

In this connection, the management decides to implement a fully integrated management system while keeping the degree of compliance, the effectiveness and efficiency of the system continuously monitored. The management is responsible for the distribution, understanding and application of the policy to all the individuals working for the environmental management within the company. During the management review, the management itself will verify the suitability of the expressed policy, and will assess possible updates.


Data 29/03/2021






General Manager _ Pietro Fogal

ISO 14001 is een internationale regelgeving van vrijwillige aard, toepasbaar op alle soorten bedrijven, waarin gedefinieerd wordt hoe een efficiënt managementsysteem moet worden ontwikkeld.  Het certificaat ISO 14001 toont aan dat het bedrijf serieuze afspraken heeft gemaakt om de milieubelasting van procedures, producten en diensten zo klein mogelijk te maken en dat het toegepaste milieumanagementsysteem betrouwbaar is.



Since 1980 Fogal Refrigeration s.r.l. has been characterised by its ongoing commitment to improve the quality of the products offered, as much as the quality of the workplace and the environmental impact.

The core strategy of  Fogal Management is based on customer satisfaction, and it is pursued through a full quality system as a way to organize all the available resources, both human and technological. The Management is also aware of the company’s responsibilities towards the protection of health, environment and workers’ safety. A satisfied customer is the result of a business that has been able to provide to the client a product that complies with requirements and established restrictions (decided by the client, the regulations and the organisation). This is why our Company, through the assessment of the contexts in which it operates and the identification of the needs of the main stakeholders, has implemented (and remains active within) an INTEGRATED management system for quality, environment and security, that complies with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 and UNI ISO 45001:2018 standards.

In this connection, FOGAL REFRIGERATION s.r.l. is constantly looking for customer satisfaction, and identifies the elements that can lead to achieving the strategic goal. In the light of the above, the aim of the management is also constantly improving the company’s environmental, occupational health and safety performances.

To achieve this goal, the Management undertakes to:

  • Focus the efforts of the entire organisation on monitoring, controlling and improving the processes;
  • Optimize the use of available resources after the explicit institutionalisation and training of rules to be taken as a reference standard for the organisational, operational and procedural level within an effective integrated system, that has to be regarded as an operational tool of strategic importance, through specific educational training activities;
  • Ensure the full cooperation from the entire staff for the implementation of the integrated management system;
  • Constantly involve the employees and the external staff members in a proactive participation context aimed to a continuous overall improvement as the quality level of the service provided to the customer depends on the quality expressed by all those who work within the organisation;
  • Promote safety culture, environmental protection  and workers’ awareness of the importance to respect the relevant regulations through example, systematic control and worker’s participation with the help of their representative for security (RLS);
  • Give to each member of the organisation precise and defined tasks, responsibilities and powers in order to point them towards an adequate standard of competence and training;
  • Provide all the requested resources for the maintenance of the implemented management system
  • Comply with the European, Italian and local laws and regulations relating to environmental and occupational safety and health;
  • Comply with the technical requirements related to our industry sectorImplement the necessary measures to prevent occupational accidents and work-related illnesses and to reduce the environmental pollution resulting from work activities;
  • Set targets for environmental and safety quality managing, which will be expressed in a regularly reviewed improvement plan and provide the resources needed in order to achieve them;
  • Maintain and improve the environmental and occupational safety conditions, in accordance with the progress of technological knowledge;
  • Constantly improve environmental and occupational health and safety performances through pollution prevention, elimination and, if not possible, hazards reduction;
  • Spread the policy of environmental and occupational health and safety quality, and inform stakeholders about the relevant certifications.

In this connection, the management decides to implement a fully integrated management system while keeping the degree of compliance, the effectiveness and efficiency of the system continuously monitored. The management is responsible for the distribution, understanding and application of the policy to all the individuals working for the environmental management within the company. During the management review, the management itself will verify the suitability of the expressed policy, and will assess possible updates.


Data 29/03/2021





General Manager _ Pietro Fogal

UNI EN ISO 45001:2023 is de internationale norm voor beheersystemen voor gezondheid en veiligheid op het werk (OSHMS). Zoals alle ISO’s van de laatste generatie past zij de ISO High Level Structure (HLS) toe, die de aanpak van ISO 9001 en 14001 deelt, wat zeker een toegevoegde waarde is die de invoering en integratie in een beheersysteem vergemakkelijkt



Since 1980 Fogal Refrigeration s.r.l. has been characterised by its ongoing commitment to improve the quality of the products offered, as much as the quality of the workplace and the environmental impact.

The core strategy of  Fogal Management is based on customer satisfaction, and it is pursued through a full quality system as a way to organize all the available resources, both human and technological. The Management is also aware of the company’s responsibilities towards the protection of health, environment and workers’ safety. A satisfied customer is the result of a business that has been able to provide to the client a product that complies with requirements and established restrictions (decided by the client, the regulations and the organisation). This is why our Company, through the assessment of the contexts in which it operates and the identification of the needs of the main stakeholders, has implemented (and remains active within) an INTEGRATED management system for quality, environment and security, that complies with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 and UNI ISO 45001:2018 standards.

In this connection, FOGAL REFRIGERATION s.r.l. is constantly looking for customer satisfaction, and identifies the elements that can lead to achieving the strategic goal. In the light of the above, the aim of the management is also constantly improving the company’s environmental, occupational health and safety performances.

To achieve this goal, the Management undertakes to:

  • Focus the efforts of the entire organisation on monitoring, controlling and improving the processes;
  • Optimize the use of available resources after the explicit institutionalisation and training of rules to be taken as a reference standard for the organisational, operational and procedural level within an effective integrated system, that has to be regarded as an operational tool of strategic importance, through specific educational training activities;
  • Ensure the full cooperation from the entire staff for the implementation of the integrated management system;
  • Constantly involve the employees and the external staff members in a proactive participation context aimed to a continuous overall improvement as the quality level of the service provided to the customer depends on the quality expressed by all those who work within the organisation;
  • Promote safety culture, environmental protection  and workers’ awareness of the importance to respect the relevant regulations through example, systematic control and worker’s participation with the help of their representative for security (RLS);
  • Give to each member of the organisation precise and defined tasks, responsibilities and powers in order to point them towards an adequate standard of competence and training;
  • Provide all the requested resources for the maintenance of the implemented management system
  • Comply with the European, Italian and local laws and regulations relating to environmental and occupational safety and health;
  • Comply with the technical requirements related to our industry sectorImplement the necessary measures to prevent occupational accidents and work-related illnesses and to reduce the environmental pollution resulting from work activities;
  • Set targets for environmental and safety quality managing, which will be expressed in a regularly reviewed improvement plan and provide the resources needed in order to achieve them;
  • Maintain and improve the environmental and occupational safety conditions, in accordance with the progress of technological knowledge;
  • Constantly improve environmental and occupational health and safety performances through pollution prevention, elimination and, if not possible, hazards reduction;
  • Spread the policy of environmental and occupational health and safety quality, and inform stakeholders about the relevant certifications.

In this connection, the management decides to implement a fully integrated management system while keeping the degree of compliance, the effectiveness and efficiency of the system continuously monitored. The management is responsible for the distribution, understanding and application of the policy to all the individuals working for the environmental management within the company. During the management review, the management itself will verify the suitability of the expressed policy, and will assess possible updates.


Data 29/03/2021 




General Manager _ Pietro Fogal

Het certificaat van uitmuntendheid (Certificate of Excellence), toegekend door de certificerende instantie, biedt de ontvanger een duidelijk voordeel op de markt. Het wordt toegekend aan organisaties die uitmuntendheid hebben nagestreefd via constante aandacht aan alle relevante aspecten van kwaliteit, milieu en veiligheid, en dat zij een geïntegreerd managementsysteem hebben bereikt waarmee deze aspecten van de bedrijfsvoering gecontroleerd kunnen worden.




In 2017 werden we opgenomen in de lijst van bedrijven met wettelijke Rating. Deze belangrijke erkenning, toegekend in overeenstemming met art. 2, lid 1 van de Richtlijn van de Italiaanse Concurrentiewetgeving, met de beslissing nr. 24075 van 14/11/2012, houdt rekening met de verschillende factoren die het ethisch bedrag van een onderneming bepalen. De fundamentele parameters van de wettelijke rating zijn de afwezigheid van voorzorgsmaatregelen, de afwezigheid van strafrechtelijke vonnissen en, meer algemeen, de naleving van de wettigheid en transparantie in het bedrijfsbeheer.

We zijn er bijgevolg trots op deze gezaghebbende erkenning met een score van “★+” in de wacht te hebben gesleept.

Voor meer informatie over de wettige Rating: http://www.agcm.it/rating-di-legalita.html


01.01.2017 In overeenstemming met de eisen van de Europese verordening 517/2014 over gefluoreerde broeikasgassen (F-gases) vermeldt Fogal Refrigeration op het productetiket informatie met betrekking tot het broeikasgaspotentieel en de equivalente CO2-belasting, in overeenstemming met het gebruikte middel in het koelcircuit.

Het programma Enhanced Capital Allowance (ECA) is een belangrijk onderdeel van het klimaatsbeheersingsprogramma van de Britse overheid. Het is ontwikkeld om bedrijven te stimuleren tot investering in energiebesparende apparatuur. Het programma biedt belastingvoordelen aan bedrijven die investeren in apparatuur die voldoet aan gepubliceerde energiebesparende criteria. De Energy Technology List (ETL) vermeldt de criteria voor elk soort technologie en noemt de producten die binnen elke categorie aan die criteria voldoen. De lijst wordt namens de Britse overheid beheerd door de Carbon Trust.



Het manifest met principes van ecologische duurzaamheid van de confederatie van de Italiaanse industriële sector (Confindustria) is voor bedrijven en brancheverenigingen die lid zijn van deze confederatie een kompas voor referentiewaarden op weg naar een duurzame ontwikkeling. www.confindustria.it