
cool ideas to keep it fresh and warm

🍪 Cookie Statement

🎯 Why this document is important

The website https://fogalrefrigeration.com/ ( site) uses cookies and other tracking technologies that collect information on the use of services, user behaviour and choices.

This document is of interest to you because it informs you how and why the Tracking Tools on the website work and how this affects how we process your personal data (📌).

⚠️ Warning

You are always free to give consent, to not give consent or to change your mind. But thanks to cookies this site / app / portal gives you a more complete user experience tailored to your likings!

‼️ Important

When there is this symbol (📌), you will find the definition of the previous word in the Essential Glossary at the bottom!

This is not the complete privacy policy for those browsing our website: if you want to know how we process your data read our Privacy Policy

This document may be updated over time: check back regularly!


👁️ Data controller (📌)

Fogal Refrigeration s.r.l., T.N. 00309290310, VAT IT 00309290310, Ronchi dei Legionari (GO) Via Antonio Tambarin no. 1

📧 privacy@fogalrefrigeration.com | 🌐 fogalrefrigeration.com


⚖ What are your rights

In the cases laid down by law, you have the right to access your data, to request its rectification and erasure; you also have the right to object to the processing of your data or to request that its processing be restricted; and you have the right to the portability of your data. Furthermore, you have the right to withdraw consent given to the data controller at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to withdrawal.

In any case, if you have any doubts or requests please contact us (📧📬📱☎️), we will be happy to hear from you!

‼️ Important

You as the Data Subject (📌) may exercise your rights and withdraw your consent by notifying us at the contact details indicated.

In addition, you can lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority or go to court if you believe that the processing of your data is against the law.


🍪 What are cookies (and other tracking tools)?

Like almost all websites, this site also uses cookies and similar technologies.

Cookies are short strings of programming code that are installed on the device (computer, smartphone, tablet) of the user visiting the site to improve their browsing experience (during the site visit and subsequent visits) by automating certain procedures and to analyse how the site is used.

There are other technologies that collect information about your use of the services, behaviour and choices (e.g. tracking pixels): for the sake of simplicity, in this document we refer to cookies and these other technologies generically as  Tracking Tools.

For all specific information on the Tracking Tools on this site (what they are and how long they are stored) and how to manage them, please refer to the Cookie Policy.

These are technical and complex issues: if you have any doubts or queries please contact us (📧📬📱☎️), we will be happy to listen!


🧰 Technical Tracking Tools

They are indispensable: they are needed for the proper functioning of the site.

They help you to browse or to provide a service requested by the user. They are not used for any further purposes and are normally installed directly by the website owner.

Without the use of such cookies, certain operations could not be carried out or would be more complex and/or less secure, such as home banking activities, for which cookies, which enable the user’s identification to be made and maintained within the session, are indispensable.

‼️ Important

Their installation does not require the user’s consent.


📊 Analytics tracking tools

They are used to measure the traffic of a website / app / portal and analyse user behaviour, with the aim of improving performance.

They must only be used to produce aggregate statistics and only in relation to a single website or mobile app, so as not to allow tracking of a person using different apps or browsing different websites.

Third parties who provide the website owner with these measurement services must not combine the data, even minimised data, with other processing (e.g. customer files or statistics of visits to other websites) or in turn pass them on to other third parties (unless the production of statistics with the minimised data involves several domains, websites or apps that can be traced back to the same owner or business group). In any case, the analysis of the measurements performed must never result in an activity that, going beyond the boundaries of a mere statistical count, actually takes on the characteristics of an elaboration aimed at making business decisions.

‼️ Important

They are assimilated to technical tracking tools ( the same rules on information and consent apply) only:

  1. when processed directly by the owner of the website  if used to optimise the website by collecting statistical information in aggregate form on the number of users and how they visit the website


☛    as processed by third parties  if user data are minimised in advance and cannot be combined with other processing or passed on to other third parties

In all other cases, the user’s consent is required.


⚠️ Profiling Tracking Tools

These are Tracking Tools used to trace the user’s navigation on the web and create profiles on tastes, habits, choices, etc. in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences already expressed online by the same user.

‼️ Important

These Tracking Tools are not used unless the user gives consent. You can change or revoke your consent for each type of Tracking Tools at any time by using the dedicated tool on each page of the website.


🕵️‍♂️ Third-party tracking tools

In addition to the Tracking Tools managed directly by the owner (so-called « first-party »), this website also contains Tracking Tools enabling services provided by third parties (so-called « third-party »). Unless otherwise stated in this document, Third Party Tracking Tools are operated independently by their respective third party providers and the Controller has no access to the data collected by these tools.

Third Party Tracking Tools cannot be fully controlled by the Data Controller, so in order to know how the data collected and processed by the Third Party Tracking Tools on the website are managed, please refer to the disclosures made by the respective third party providers (see Cookie Policy).

In any case, if you have any doubts or requests please contact us (📧📬📱☎️), we will be happy to hear from you!


🖱 Social media button

The Controller’s website may also use plugins and share buttons, which determine the presence of third-party tracking tools (so-called social network cookies) on the site.

Social network cookies are used to check interest and/or share content from the Controller’s site on social networks (e.g. Facebook). The information collected by these cookies may be passed on to third parties providing the service (e.g. Facebook).

Plugins and/or share buttons (so-called social media buttons/widgets) are presented as icons of social networks (e.g. Facebook) and other websites. By clicking on them, users browsing the Controller’s site can interact directly with social networks and other websites: in this case, the social network and other websites acquire data relating to the user’s visit.

To find out how the data collected by the cookies for social networks on the website are handled, please refer to the relevant policies:

☛    Facebook

☛    Twitter

☛    Instagram

☛    YouTube

☛    TikTok

☛    Linkedin


⏲️ Storage duration and place of processing

Duration and expiry of cookies and similar Tracking Tools may vary depending on what is set by the Controller or each third-party provider: some expire at the end of the user’s browsing session, others remain for a longer time.

For all specific information on the Tracking Tools on this site (what they are and how long they are stored) you can refer to the Cookie Policy.


🏁 Why we use cookies (purpose)

Making the website / app / portal work

The Data Controller processes the data in order to operate the website / app / portal correctly and thus ensure the provision of the service requested by the user.

‼️ Important

They are indispensable for the proper functioning of the website/app/portal, so the user’s consent is not required for their installation


Profiling 👍🏽

The Data Controller processes personal and navigation data to track the user’s navigation on the web in order to create profiles on tastes, habits, choices, etc. and then send advertising messages in line with the preferences already expressed online by the same user.

Legal basis: 👍 consent

‼️ Important

Consent is required for this purpose. You may revoke your consent to data processing at any time by notifying us (opt-out). If consent is not given or is subsequently revoked, it will not be possible to carry out activities and any related services.


Tracking 🧭

The Data Controller processes personal and browsing data to generate website/app/portal usage statistics in order to track and monitor user behaviour. Processing is also aimed at improving the service.

🔍 Examples of statistics generated by tracking treatment

☛    most frequently visited pages

☛    use of services

☛    number of visitors per day

☛    number of visitors per time slot

☛    geographical area of origin of visitors

Legal basis: 👍 consent

‼️ Important

This is the activity carried out through analytics cookies and in some cases the law does not require the user’s consent


🗂 What data we process with cookies

Browsing data

The computer systems and software procedures that run this website, in the course of their normal operation, acquire certain personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.

These data are necessary to use the services of the site and are used in an anonymous and/or aggregate form to obtain statistical information on the use of the website and to check its correct functioning. Once processed, they are automatically deleted (except in the event of the need to establish criminal offences by the judicial authorities).

🔍 Examples of browsing data

☛    IP addresses or domain names of computers and terminals used by users

☛    addresses in URI/URL notation of requested resources

☛    time of the request, method used in submitting the request to the server and size of the file obtained in response

☛    numeric code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.)

☛    parameters relating to the user’s operating system and IT environment


⚙️ How to manage cookies

Cookie banner

The cookie banner is the main tool for governing cookies: it allows you to accept or refuse all cookies (except those necessary for the website to work properly, which will always be active) + to choose for which categories of cookies to give consent and for which not + to modify the choices made previously.

In fact, at any time during navigation it is possible to retrieve the cookie banner and change the relevant settings.



Furthermore, you may manage Tracking Tools via the settings of individual devices, which allow the relevant preferences to be governed.



It is also possible to completely disable cookies in the browser, but in that case certain website functions may be impaired.

‼️ Below are links to instructions for some browsers:

☛    Google Chrome

☛    Mozilla Firefox

☛    Apple Safari

☛    Microsoft Internet Explorer

☛    Microsoft Edge

☛    Brave

☛    Opera



Users can manage preferences and consent for third-party Tracking Tools directly from the opt-out link in the Cookie Policy (if available), or by following the directions in the third party’s privacy policy. Otherwise, you can contact the third party directly.


📌 Essential glossary

☛    Personal data: any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person)

☛    Dissemination: giving knowledge of the data to unspecified persons, in any form, including by making them available or consulting them. E.g.: posting a photo online or on a social media network

☛    DPO: Data Protection Officer, whose functions also include that of intermediary between Data Controller and Data Subject)

☛    Data subject: natural person that the personal data refer to)

☛    Data controller: who determines the purposes and means of processing)

☛    Processing: any operation or set of operations carried out with or without the help of automated processes and applied to personal data or sets of personal data)


✏️ Notes

Done by the Data Controller with 🎯 StudioFLEX – labour lawyers (🌐 www.studioflex.it, 📧 gdpr@studioflex.it)